
Monday, February 23, 2009


There have been many things that have surprised me while living here. One of them is the livestock that just roams the street. I have mentioned roosters before, but there are also a lot of cows in our neighborhood.

A few weeks ago I woke up to see they had moved one of the cows into our backyard. I got very excited and went outside and wanted to pet it (all while Eric stood on our deck and laughed at me because cows don't really like to be pet). She did let me pet her but then ran away, and jumped a bit. It was then that we realized she was a baby. She jumped and played and drank milk from a carton on the ground. Eric thought we should name her Juniper. I went out the next day and took some pictures of her being all cute:

The day after I took the pictures they moved her :( and I have not seen her since. I was very sad, but I am sure I will find more animals to harass in the time I have left here.

I have taken some other photos I just need to edit, and I will upload soon.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Don’t go chasing waterfalls…

Saturday morning started with torrential downpours and dark skies. I thought we might be stuck in for the day. Lucky for me though, around 9 am the sky cleared up and we were able to go and check out one of the islands many waterfalls. Eric thought it would be best to choose the least known about one.

Namo falls is kind of small and quaint. As you walk through the “woods” you can hear the rushing sound of water which leads you straight to the falls. There was no one else there but us which was wonderful. We were able to climb, swim and just hang out without having to dodge people, or being uncomfortable. Here are some of the shots I took:
On a side note, although I had a great time, there were a couple things that did not go well. One- As I said, it had rained the night before so the rocks were slippery. As I was falling the woman in charge of the falls said “it is slippery” Um, yeah I noticed. Two- Waterfalls are pretty powerful; Eric found that out the hard way when he put his hands under the falls and screwed up his wrist. And Three- Apparently the spiders here grow to monstrous sizes. You can all guess what happened when I saw not one but 3 spiders bigger than my head (OK, they were not bigger than my head, but they were freakin huge!!!!)

I love waterfalls, I always have. There are so many here on the island, I can’t wait to check them all out. Poor Eric is going to be stuck going with me…